Publications by Year: 2020

Middleton, J. L., Mukhopadhyay, S., Costa, K. M., Pavia, F. J., WInckler, G., McManus, J. F., D'Almeida, M., et al. (2020). The spatial footprint of hydrothermal scavengingon230ThXS-derived mass accumulation rate. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 272, 218-234. middleton_et_al_spatialfootprinthydrothermal2020.pdf
Boulahanis, B., Carbotte, S., Huybers, P., Nedimović, M. R., Aghaei, O., Canales, J. P., & Langmuir, C. (2020). Do sea level variations influence mid-ocean ridge magma supply? A test using crustal thickness and bathymetry data from the East Pacific Rise. Earth and Planetary Science Letter , 535 (116121). boulahanis_et_sealevelvariations2020.pdf