
2014 VOICE Group Meeting at AGU

2017 VOICE Group Meeting at Lamont


Speaker Title
Charles Langmuir "Progress and questions on volcano/climate connections"
Peter Huybers "Sea level variability and sea floor bathymetry across the seven seas"
Cristian Prositosescu

"The spectral peaks and background continuum of seafloor bathymetry”

Bridgit Boulahanis “Spectral studies of topography and crustal thickness at the EPR and Juan de Fuca”
David Ferguson “Physical and chemical characterisation of sediment-hosted glasses from the Juan de Fuca”
Richard Alley “Greenland ice-sheet influences on volcanism, and vice versa”
Jerry McManus “Sedimentation and hydrothermal deposition on Juan de Fuca Ridge over the last 500 ka.”
Jenny Middleton Comparison of 230ThXS and 3HeET- derived fluxes in Juan de Fuca Ridge sediment cores”
Sujoy Mukhopadhyay “Dust fluxes over the past 70ka from mid-Atlantic ridge sediment
Peter Huybers "Adding up glacial-interglacial CO2 variability"